The comprehensive range of services we offer include:
-Health Checks.
-Laboratory Analysis.
-Ultrasound Scans. Pregnancy Scans.
-Routine surgical procedures.
-Dental Treatments.
-Conventional Medicines Pharmacy.
-Herbal Supplements and Homeopathy.
-Acupuncture and Laser Therapy.
-Vaccicheck Titre Testing (to determine antibody titre for core diseases and if a booster is needed) in house.
-Microchipping (remember that all dogs, and soon also all cats, must be microchipped by law)
-Pet Travel Certificates.
-Nail Clips.
-Anal Glands Checks.
-Weight control.
-Parasite control.
-End of Life Palliative Care.
Integrating Conventional Medicine with Holistic Therapies
Petersfield Centre For
Integrated Veterinary Medicine
When our patients need X-rays, CT Scans, Endoscopy or major surgery, they are looked after by Kevin Clayton and his dedicated team at Farnham Veterinary Hospital in Farnham.
Kevin's Team are amazing and you can be assured that your pets will have the same level of individualised care and attention they are used to get at our premises in Petersfield.
Farnham Veterinary Hospital was opened in 2021 with one purpose- to provide the very best possible care from a custom-built, state-of-the-art veterinary facility.
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Kevin and his Team will also be looking after your pets in case of an emergency occurring when we are closed and on weekends and bank holidays.
We are able to quickly refer cases in need of a veterinary specialist to dedicated referral centres in the area and will always discuss the cases with the specialists before deciding on the best option for your pet.
At the Petersfield Centre For Integrated Veterinary Medicine we believe in the One Medicine (the Medicine that Cures) Concept, and are committed to stick to the principle of "First Do Not Harm" (your Pet's Welfare first)
We have the knowledge and means to treat your pet conventionally and holistically with the integration of complementary therapies.

If your pet needed urgent attention when we are closed during the week, weekends and bank holidays, please call Farnham Veterinary Hospital on 01252 750329
Address: 1-3 East St, Farnham GU9 7SX, UK
Visit Farnahm Veterinary Hospital website for more details and directions:

Following the Government and our Governing Body advice, we have now relaxed the measures to prevent COVID 19 transmition.
Face masks and shields are no longer compulsory, but they are available free at our reception counter should you wish to use them; we will wear them too during your visit if you are vulnerable or prefer us to do so.
Hand sanitiser is available in all our rooms and we encourage you to use it.
We are now allowing more than one person in the consult rooms and in the waiting area. Bear in mind that the space is very limited, so you may have to wait outside in our sunny patio (chairs are available) or at the back rooms if the weather is unpleasant.